Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Papercutting your way to a beautiful wedding card (reflections and the step by step process)

My first papercutting. I did completely on my own

A few weeks ago, I took a papercutting class and I really enjoyed it. We made a holiday themed papercutting sign using a template the teacher designed. I got really inspired to make my own design but I had a really hard time coming up with my own ideas. Then about a week later my teacher got engaged and I was finally inspired on what to make. 

1) I emailed my teacher to tell congratulations and ask her a few questions to personalize the design. Will she have a long or short wedding dress? Who is taller, her or her groom? Would she have a long or short wedding veil? What is her favorite color? 

2) I drew both of them using the app Paint 3D and the information I had from my teacher. 

3) I drew the design I wanted to cut out on the app and then I printed it. Then using an Exacto knife I cut it out very carefully (this knife is very sharp so use caution and use a cutting board underneath).

4) I painted a large piece of cardstock with my teacher's favorite color -teal- and gold because I think they look good together. 

5) I used glitter paint make it sparkle. 

6) I glued my papercutting to the painted cardstock after the paint dried. 

7) I wrote in glue my teachers name and the name of the person she is getting married to then covered it in glitter to write their names. After it dried, I gave it to her the next time I saw her.